Well, a post on LinkedIn cites a suggestion at Business Insider that one should always send a thank-you e-mail after interviewing for a job, but I say…pish tosh!

Not that I think that the general advice is rubbish–indeed the concept is correct. It’s the “e-mail” part I object to. E-mail is so…meh.

Imagine the flush of pleasure on the face of the HR person you met with when he or she opens up an actual envelope and finds a handmade note card like this…

…with a handwritten note inside that starts out

Okay, so maybe copperplate hand isn’t required. But regular old cursive has its uses, as someone writing for the New York Times has noticed. While I vehemently disagree with her characterization of handwriting thank-you cards as a “nearly extinct task,” she does make the point that cursive is making a comeback after being nearly relegated to the same dustbin of history as quills and parchment.

Need help with your handwriting? I like any of the Getty-Dubay series of handwriting books, but this one is particularly good for older students (i.e., non-kids)

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.