As a husband, dad, web-developer, home owner, etc., I have a lot of goals and projects to track and attend to daily. One tool that I have found to help me track and execute my plans is the Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt and Company.

I could go on for many paragraphs about how the thoughtful organization of the planner and the design of the pages help me be more mindful and productive every day — but I’ll leave that to Michael and his website, which I do recommend.

The outside of the planner is a different story. The covers are sturdy, but are a very plain gray which invites many FFP users to buy expensive covers, or even to paint their own original artwork, as if the covers were a dark canvas.

My household, however contains a particularly clever papercrafter in the person of my wife, Tracy, and she has taken to making custom cover sleeves for each of my quarterly journals.

These cover sleeves dress up the journal, lend a seasonal flair, and don’t interfere with the journal laying flat. They have proved quite sturdy enough to stand up to a quarter’s usage (as each journal volume covers 90 days), and with embossing or other embellishments can favor a masculine or feminine style.


Here is the cover for my newest Full Focus planner for April through June 2019.

The same thing could be done for Leuchtturm 1917, Moleskine, or other hard cover journals which many use for Bullet Journaling or other list keeping. Tracy has a number of wonderful papers that can be used for these covers in her shop.

Or you might be able to convince her to offer a set of pre-made sleeves for your annual Full Focus Planner subscription. Ask her about them at