Wanted: A lot more class and a lot less crass. There’s more than enough lack of class and sheer nincompoopery on all sides here to go around–and then some.

What am I ranting about? A woman who owns a fairly local (to me) paper goods shop thought it was a good idea to carry a line of greeting cards that criticizes the current occupant of the Oval Office out of one side of its collective foul mouth–so to speak–whilst simultaneously wishing someone “Happy Birthday!” or “Happy Anniversary!” out of the other.

Then, when people eventually found out that this was the case, the proprietor found herself on the short list for the Inspector Renault Award

since she was shocked, shocked, and offended to discover that there are folks who are not happy with her method of exercising her First Amendment rights and who expressed their displeasure by leaving negative reviews online about her shop as well as, allegedly, leaving her death threats (sorry about the vulgar language below but this is what was being sold in the store):

The cards, manufactured by Sapling Press, say phrases like “TRUMP IS AN EVIL MOTHER——” and “TRUMP IS A DOUCHEBAG.” On the inside they say something obnoxious and then say something like happy birthday — a humorous twist to something politically angst-ridden.


Read the whole thing.

Death threats or other threats of violence because you don’t like somebody else’s opinion? NEVER ok…especially when the context is–wait for it–greeting cards. Please. But letting review readers know that they might want to take their business elsewhere IS okay. After all, either recommending or discouraging action is the point of a review, any review, whether of a book, movie, restaurant, shop, whatever.

Anyway, suffice it to say, you will NEVER see anything remotely like the execrable cards cited in the newspaper article linked above here at Wild Goose Crafts. Life is too short for crafts that are not tasteful. Period.

Ok, rant over.

Carry on.