Here are a few of the podcasts I’ve been listening to whilst walking the dog or commuting to work this month:
- The React Podcast #4 (March 29): Babel and open source sustainability with Henry Zhu. Henry, the maintainer of Babel, talks about how he got involved and shares some of the history of Babel and Javascript language development. Discussion of how React was influenced by Babel and vice versa.
- Full Stack Radio #89: Sam Selikoss – Choosing Ember.js in 2018. Sam describes the Ember community and principles, and compares and contrasts Ember with React and Vue. One thing he said was that in his opinion, Vue was about progressive adoption, React was about the bleeding edge, that is trying to incorporate the newest thing, and Ember was about stability, testing, and group coding.
- Laravel News Podcast #63: Sublime Text 3.1; Laravel releases. There was a discussion of developing packages with local Composer dependencies (something similar to what I’ve seen being done in Drupal development, too. This should be it’s own post…). Discussion of View components (variant to view composers… I should probably compare/contrast these.). There is a new Schema-less attributes package for JSON data in models. Mention of a AdminPanel generator.