Laracon Online 2018

Here are some notes I made on the talks from the streamed Laracon Online “conference” earlier this month. Laracon Online Talks Adam Walthan Advanced Vue Component Design This is a demonstration of using Scoped Slots in Vue.  Adam had Evan Yu on his podcast recently to talk about Scoped Slots – that was a good […]

Arrow Functions in ES6

Arrow functions have been introduced to Javascript as a more concise way to write function expressions. Here are some examples of the syntax.  Instead of this old-style regular function we can write We can drop the function keyword, and if just returning an expression, we can drop the return keyword, too.  If there is only […]

Code Editor Heaven

Two major editor updates were released yesterday and today in a great wave of coding goodness. First, the official release 3.0 version of Sublime Text is finally out.  I’ve been using the beta version of 3.0 for a long time, but there are a lot of improvements in the release. From the announcement: Compared to the last […]

ES6 Content Literals

The Data Storage custom Drupal module uses Javascript to dynamically generate HTML to present a variable number of questions and services. Writing HTML is Javascript has always been pretty clunky, full of hard to read expressions like this: For heavier template lifting, I’ve been using the Mustache Javascript library.  Templating libraries like Handlebars (which I […]

Rest and Spread

Rest and spread are two new operators in the new ES6 (ECMAScript 6) standard which Javascript implements.  Javascript development in Drupal 8 Core is now done in ES6.  See: Both Rest and Spread are represented with 3 dots (…). REST (“the rest of the parameters”) is used in function calls where you want to treat an […]

Laravel Auditing

The Laravel Auditing package (owen-it/laravel-auditing) is an easily installed add-on which tracks all changes made to Laravel models. This package is great for debugging and also for uncovering who made changes to your database and when.  This is sure to be a great help when customers call asking just how their data changed.  There is some […]