Your next order at my Close To My Heart shop gets a free handmade card from me, as well as directions on how to make it yourself.

The image at the top of this post gives you an idea of the kinds of cards available for this promotion. These feature the new “Sweet Girl” paper as well as the new “Into The Wild” paper:

I must admit I’m rather partial to the new “Craft On” paper (gee, I wonder why?)…

Craft On

…from which I’m liable to make something like these:

To wrap up…the current “idea book” is available for you to flip through and order from, until the end of April:

Seasonal Expressions, January-April 2019

Beginning May 1st, you’ll be able to order online from the new Idea Book, including the papers I highlighted above. It will look like this:

Seasonal Expressions, May-August 2019

Please do let me know if you have any questions. Happy Spring!